
To begin a new project in the Brains@Play Framework, you'll need to include the WASL library in you JavaScript code. This can be done in a few different ways, depending on the needs of your project.

If you're using a standalone HTML page, it may be easiest to include WASL as a global variable using a script tag:

<script src=""></script> 
<script> console.log(wasl) </script>

As you get more familiar with ES Module syntax, however, it will be best to use ESM import syntax to include the library. This will work in browser and Node.js (v14+):

import * as wasl from '' // Downloaded from a CDN
// import * as wasl from 'wasl' // Contained in Node Modules

Internally, we'll start our projects using the WASL Starter Kit. This template repository is preconfigured with an HTML file that compiles a template WASL application. Just serve the index.html file and edit the app folder to change its behavior!

After you've organized your project in the Brains@Play Framework, you're going to need to familiarize yourself with a few conventions before you develop your first application!