Data Capture and Streams API

A unified data acquisition API for the browser

TL;DR: The Data Capture and Streams API (datastreams-api) is a simple extension of the Media Capture and Streams API to handle arbitrary data streams acquired through the browser.


The latest web browsers have a wide variety of APIs for acquiring real-time data, including navigator.serial, navigator.bluetooth, and WebSocket. This is a proposal for navigator.devices, a global Object that acts as a top-level namespace (similar to navigator.mediaDevices) that brings a unified data acquisition API to the ECMAScript language.


The Data Capture and Streams API (datastreams-api) allows developers to specify their own I/O requirements by allowing for custom decoders to be written for a particular application. Independent decoded inputs are organzized as DataStreamTracks for standardized consumption.

When the user uses requests native to the Media Capture and Streams API, the tracks attribute will be an array of DataStream objects populated with DataStreamTracks that provide raw data from the selected media device (e.g. audio, video).


Official documentations for the datastreams-api package can be found at


All devices compatible with the datastreams-api can be found at our devices repository.