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License: AGPL v3

brainsatplay extends the Web Application Specification Language (WASL) to allow for editing high-performance web applications at runtime—as well as saving changes to the local filesystem using the File System Access API.

Note: brainsatplay is a core library of the Brains@Play Framework

Getting Started

See complete documentation for the Brains@Play Framework at

import * as brainsatplay from ''

 let app = new brainsatplay.App(
         '', // undefine to select from filesystem | object to load directly | string for url imports
            edit: true
        const wasl = await app.start(undefined, optionsToPass)

        if (wasl){
            console.log('App', app)
            console.log('Errors', wasl.errors)
            console.log('Warnings', wasl.warnings)


This library is maintained by Garrett Flynn and Joshua Brewster, who use contract work and community contributions through Open Collective to support themselves.


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